How to integrate SEO and content writing can be difficult if you don’t quite understand the basic of managing SEO. In order to maximize the opportunities for each website or blog, you’ll want to be sure to lay it out in a way that search engines can read and digest. This will also help improve conversions as well.
Your first paragraph should make natural use of as many of your keywords and variants in the first 100 words as possible without being awkward.
Each article will need to be structured and use the following indicators: 1 primary focus keyword with 2-10 supporting/secondary keywords, 1 – H1 with focus keyword, 3-5 – H2 with variations of main keyword and supporting words, metadata with CTA (call to action), inbound and outbound links, and an image.
Metadata and Content Descriptions
Metadata does not always have to match your content, but it should cause enough interest for someone to want to click on your link.
A good rule of thumb for keywords is to use them around 1% throughout the content with 2.5% using supporting keywords. So, an average 1000 word article would need to use the keyword between 7-13 times.
Digestible content is the key to help readers digest the information. Keep everything as natural as possible in the content and the titles. Learning how to integrate SEO and content topics can be challenging but don’t give up. Practice as much as you can because you can only become better as time goes on.
SEO Article Layout (Use Headings under styles)
Each piece of content should have a minimum of one H1 tag and 1-2 H2 tags. (we’ll get to that shortly). Keep paragraphs to 3-4 sentences. And only use 3-4 paragraphs per titled section.
This not only keeps you on topic easier, but it also aids your content in becoming more digestible by your readers and shows you know how to integrate seo and content together.
Many times, people do not want to read long drawn out paragraphs unless they are in the middle of a book. Websites and the appearance of quickness should always play a part.
Use bold and italics from time to time to help emphasize content as well to help draw eyes to certain words you want to make an impact with.
Learn How to Integrate SEO and Content with Secondary Headings with Mixing Keywords
Not every secondary heading needs to have the keyword but it’s too to make sure that at least one of them does.
Another great use of content layout is the create a digestible list that:
- makes it easy to find
- helps people remember actionable items
- breaks up the monotony of paragraphs
- pique interest in another article when linked (insert link here)
Keeping lists short and manageable will cause others to remember them or write them down. If you can make an impact, you are doing something write. If you are not making an impact, you are learning your industry and branding.
All of this is tied to learning how to integrate seo and content on your website.
SEO and Content Should Be Married As Much As Possible.
Do not get caught up in the “only for SEO purposes” when it comes to writing your content for your brand. Each piece should be authentic, helpful, informative and if possible, entertaining. People love to read stories and that will keep them on your website. Also, take notes while you are writing because chances are, you will come up with a few more topics to write on later.
Keywords, HTML code and content all help each other. When written with the purpose in mind, you have the makings of digestible food, not only for your readers but for Search Engine Optimization to happen. If Search Engines cannot find your content, your readers will not be able to either.
Website maintenance is just like any other living breathing machine, like a car or a human. Doing small changes and updates will more than likely keep you in a safe zone and consistent. Most things unattended will end up failing so do not do that to your website, or your car or your health, it is all very important.
Other Idea with Keywords and Content ideas like LSI
Learning what you can about SEO and content is crucial to your success if you are going to continue to build your brand online. How to integrate SEO with content can be arduous at first but here is something to really get you started. Use LSI keywords.
What does LSI stand for? Latent Semantic Indexing. Now don’t go using these keywords in your content because chances are, it is not going to help. Want to know why? Read this article here. These keywords are just ideas to help you find other relatable ideas that your users may be searching for. (let the rabbit hole begin!)
Don’t use them as keyword builders, use them as idea generators. Find a way to let those lead you down an untapped path of unwritten articles. If you can find the gaps in information that is not being shared or told, this is where you want to create content.
(Bonus Tip: SEO is about trying different things and learning from those actions. Surround yourself with others who are experimenting with SEO as well and your rate of learning will skyrocket)
Don’t be afraid to ask questions and learn new ways to present your SEO and content writing skills. SEO isn’t taught at any university nor can you get a validated certificate from Google to prove you know everything about SEO. If this were the case, they would test you on their algorithm and they can’t afford to have anyone learn the ins and outs of that or else one could manipulate SEO for their own good.
Interested in having someone managed your SEO efforts so you can work on your business instead of IN your business? Let’s chat.